Hello there from us both! Something eye-opening happened recently at my birthday lunch . . . that got me thinking about you my blog reader and your smartphone camera. Dave took the pic below with his new iPhone 13, using the fabulous portrait feature that blows out the background beautifully, as you can see. In the meantime, I had inherited…
How well is your LinkedIn profile working for you? Mine has brought me wonderful introductions and work, including a fabulous filming project just last month, and meeting my lovely friend Dawn Grossart. If you missed my last post, my session in her Financially Free Women online summit will be live soon and the replays are available, so Register HERE if…
Do you desire financial stability or independence, even if in secret, for the peace and self-esteem in knowing you can make the choices you want to? In these unsettled times, understanding your money relationship dynamics and setting yourself up for the ultimate financial freedom is an essential topic because when you feel insecure financially, the stress and anxiety is real.…