Do you desire financial stability or independence, even if in secret, for the peace and self-esteem in knowing you can make the choices you want to? In these unsettled times, understanding your money relationship dynamics and setting yourself up for the ultimate financial freedom is an essential topic because when you feel insecure financially, the stress and anxiety is real.

My lovely friend Dawn shared an intimate story recently about the emotional journey of divorce in relation to the financial exposure it created – and how no woman should ever feel that stuck, shamed or sunk financially. After her recovery, Dawn committed to learning about why money is so often a source of anxiety, when instead of lack there can be abundance and overflow.

There’s never been a more important time to be free financially, for yourself, your family and your community. The world is becoming more conscious and women are a huge source of contribution. As the Dalai Lama said at the 2009 Vancouver Peace Summit, “The world will be saved by the Western Woman”. That’s as true today. Wealthy women will shape the future. Together we have tremendous power to drive conscious agendas and vote with our purses.

Whatever stage you’re at in your own journey to financial freedom, I invite you to join me in the Financially Free Women online Summit. It’s been a labour of love to bring together a powerful group of women leaders who teach holistically on the emotional and energetic experience of money as well as the practical side, to remedy lack and generational conditioning and create a life of financial over-flow, even legacy-wealth. I’m honoured to be included among them.

Our mentor sessions, mine being about visibility, will be active from 1 November 2021. If you’re not yet on a clear path to your own financial freedom, CLICK HERE to join the event (it’s totally FREE). If you do have a plan but are ready to play a bigger game, you’ll also want to register and discover how breaking free from financial lack and into abundance may be simpler than you might have imagined. No one gets left behind. Your time is precious and your financial peace of mind is one of the most important aspects of a life well lived, so I hope you’ll JOIN US.