Happy New Year to you and yours! May your 2019 be beautifully blessed, starting with some super quick wins. Not sure about you, but I love to experience these, to solve particular problems or to up-level my life unexpectedly easily.
This happened for me recently, to my delight. After feeling some unusual sciatica-type twinges down my right leg, I googled what to do about it and found 3 specific yoga stretches. Adding these to my morning yoga routine, the pain disappeared in a day. Talk about a quick win!
Dave and I also had a fabulous lifestyle win that benefits my business too. We were inspired to create a feature wall in our living room, which you can see in the photo above. Thanks to a wonderful tiler we know, this was reasonably priced and happened in a day too. It has transformed our living space so significantly that we wonder why we didn’t do it sooner.
I also get to use it as a backdrop for my videos. This pic is a screen grab from video 3 in my Smartphone Shooting Tips online course, which is packed with quick wins to boost your online presence by shooting better photos and videos, simply with your smartphone.
SIGN UP HERE to significantly up-level how you show up this year! In the meantime, here are 3 questions to help you start immediately. Grab a pen and paper and write down your answers:
1. How do I want to be perceived via my personal branding photos and videos?
2. How would I like my photos and videos to make my followers feel or act?
3. How can I ensure that my photos and videos fulfil these objectives?
If you’ve set any personal or business goals for 2019, add these to your list. According to an article published last month at www.socialmediatoday.com, the top social media trend to watch in 2019 is ‘The growing importance of personal branding to business branding’ because of how this contributes to trust and consequently builds relationships. I agree. How about you?
Here’s to going all in this year to shine on camera and make it count.
P.S. If you enrol in my Smartphone Shooting Tips course by Friday 11 Jan 2019, I’ll include a free half hour consultation ($97 value) via Skype, to help you jump start your visual marketing. Shoot me an email with your enrolment confirmation and we’ll book a time to chat soonest!