Hi Gorgeous! How is your first quarter of 2018 panning out? Do you perhaps find yourself rushing to get things done and tick them off your To Do list? I caught myself in the act this week, so consciously paused, to reflect with gratitude and remember that the joy is in the journey, especially when it comes to epic projects that provide immense creative fulfilment along the way.

We recently finished filming the content for my 6 online courses and I’m now editing it all. This includes 21 videos of about 20 minutes each, plus intro, wrap and sales videos for each course. My 4 shorter courses make up my signature Rock That Camera System, which covers 7 Steps to boost your brand via photos and videos of you. The other course is a free introduction to share a taste of this.

Students can select the sections that they most want to learn about, or pay a special package rate for all of them. Helpful options like these are recommended by online course creators, but it does involve extra preparation to streamline things, as some of the content overlaps. I strongly suggest taking the time to do this. It can radically improve your results, while saving money on shooting and editing.

It’s also invaluable to plan each of your settings, outfits and the order of shooting in advance. This enables you to batch your videos, reducing setup time and costs too. To keep things fresh and interesting, I chose a variety of settings in our home and studio, as you can see here:

Naomi Estment's Rock That Camera Settings
I’m so grateful to our freelance cameraman Chris Duys for his brilliant filming and photography work! In addition to the videos, he shot photos of me in each outfit and setting, so that I have plenty of images for video thumbnails, as well as future promotion and social media posts. He’s not only talented, but a pleasure to work with, which is a key contributor to the success of your shoots.

Your relationship with your photographer and videographer can dramatically impact your results, particularly when you’re batching content. This takes time and you may find yourself tiring during your shoot. They can help you hugely to maintain focus on giving your best and to keep your vibe high. When you resonate well and have fun together, that energy is infused throughout your content.

Are you busy with a major project, or finished with one? If so, how do you go about keeping up your energy and appreciating the journey? I’d love to know in the comments below! And if you have any questions about shooting your course content, feel free to ask 😀


  • Mom

    So glad its getting underway Nome. Lol xo

    • Naomi

      Thank you so much Mom 😀 Also for all of your invaluable support along the way! Big hug and loads of love to you! XO

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