There was a bit of boogieing but mostly power-packed business, personal growth and networking at last week’s Standard Bank Women in Leadership conference (part of their Blue Heels program), hosted at the bank’s magnificent leadership centre in Johannesburg.

Women in Leadership

It was a privilege to participate and I enjoyed every moment of interacting with the dynamic delegates at my exhibition stand and attending one of the super-charged sessions of my fabulous friend and associate Petra Laranjo, featured in the photos below:
Petra Laranjo at Std Bank Women In Leadership Event

Image Matters

An inspirational speaker, coach, image specialist and author of Living on Purpose: The Key to Change Your Life and Impact Others, Petra spoke on internal and external image. The session I attended was titled ‘Showing up Professionally through External Image’ and I learned a lot. For one thing, I’ll never venture near a client in leggings again, ever!

Greenback Boogie

Full disclosure: I wasn’t going to use this post title, but it popped into my head and then I couldn’t shake the tune of Greenback Boogie. You know, the theme song of Suits, which is rather appropriate because Petra had 200 ladies swooning over a pic of Gabriel Macht as she demonstrated the impact of first impressions. Of course I’ve gotta share the love:
Petra Laranjo with pic of Harvey Specter

Petra highlighted the importance of putting your best foot forward (blue heels or not) and showing up in the most appropriate way for the image you intend to project and the results you want to achieve, particularly when it comes to professional success and leadership.

Your Visual Legacy

The same applies when you step in front of a camera, bearing in mind that every photo and video of you contributes to your living visual legacy. This idea alone often contributes to camera shyness, which is a widespread challenge around the world.

A Dove survey reports that 77% of women are more anxious having their photo taken and posted to social media than public speaking and having job interviews. Yet shoots can be the best fun! Well, maybe not better than boogieing with Harvey Specter 😉

Whether you love or hate the camera, I’m here to help you make the most of your interaction with it. Next week’s vlog is all about that, so stay tuned – it’s gonna be fun. And Harvey fan or not, you’re welcome to leave a comment below if you want to know what that 55% represents. I’ll ask Petra to elaborate for you . . .